Tuesday, January 25, 2011


That is a picture of my beautiful daughter Elli. She is 2 years and 9 months old and has been potty trained for almost 2 weeks. I know this might seem a little trifle or pointless, but she potty trained herself. I couldn't believe how easy it was with her. I had heard stories of kids just deciding to use the potty and never wear diapers or pull ups again. I never expected my child to be one of them. What you might not know is that Elli has an older brother who is 5 years old named Carson. Now, Carson did not care one bit about learning to use the potty. Alan and I actually forced him at the age of 3&1/2 to learn to use the potty. He just didn't really care about using the potty. It was a battle from the beginning and we still have lapses to this day. So when Elli said she was done with diapers and pull ups I wasn't sure if I should believe her or not. Thank goodness she showed me that she was serious. She has done beautifully in adjusting to this new aspect in her life. I was ecstatic that is was so easy with her, but it is kind of sad. This means we have reached a new milestone as parents. We no longer have any children in diapers. It is exciting to not have to worry about buying diapers and the carry all bag is a lot lighter, but it does make me a little sad. She is a beautiful little girl and I am so blessed to have her my life. I love her so much and can't wait to see what she learns to accomplish next. =)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Finish Line

Today is the last day of my classes for the next 2 weeks. I am really excited to come to the end of these classes. I am really excited about turning in my projects and not having the weigh on me anymore. I know I will feel a weight lift off my shoulders when I hit the submit assignment button. I might just do a little dance when I do it =) I am also excited about my next two classes. They will be more with my major. Next term I am taking Anatomy and Physiology I and Nutrition Planning and Management. I enjoyed my classes this term but I am ready to concentrate on something new and learn something new. Well, I need to get back to work. See ya next time!

Later days~

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow =)

We have had some crazy weather lately in the south. First, we had a white Christmas. This was the first white Christmas in 47 years. Then just a few weeks later we had another big snow storm. I live in the south not the north. The town I live in is not used to this kind of weather and is not prepared to fully handle this kind of weather. As I am writing this the kids have been out of school for 2 days. This means my 2 year old can not go to mother's morning out. So, my 5 year old and 2 year old just aggravate each other all day long. When we had our Christmas snow the kids were getting over colds so they couldn't go out and play. This time around they were able to have fun and play. Here are some more pics to enjoy!!!