Tuesday, January 25, 2011


That is a picture of my beautiful daughter Elli. She is 2 years and 9 months old and has been potty trained for almost 2 weeks. I know this might seem a little trifle or pointless, but she potty trained herself. I couldn't believe how easy it was with her. I had heard stories of kids just deciding to use the potty and never wear diapers or pull ups again. I never expected my child to be one of them. What you might not know is that Elli has an older brother who is 5 years old named Carson. Now, Carson did not care one bit about learning to use the potty. Alan and I actually forced him at the age of 3&1/2 to learn to use the potty. He just didn't really care about using the potty. It was a battle from the beginning and we still have lapses to this day. So when Elli said she was done with diapers and pull ups I wasn't sure if I should believe her or not. Thank goodness she showed me that she was serious. She has done beautifully in adjusting to this new aspect in her life. I was ecstatic that is was so easy with her, but it is kind of sad. This means we have reached a new milestone as parents. We no longer have any children in diapers. It is exciting to not have to worry about buying diapers and the carry all bag is a lot lighter, but it does make me a little sad. She is a beautiful little girl and I am so blessed to have her my life. I love her so much and can't wait to see what she learns to accomplish next. =)

1 comment:

EngineersFalcon said...

Yay!! El!!!! The TX/NC Smiths are SO PROUD of you! Love you guys!