Friday, June 20, 2008

Beach Part 1:

My next few posts are going to be about our recent trip to Hilton Head Island, SC. So, here it goes.

We left on Saturday, the 14th at about 10a.m. Thankfully we were able to get everything we needed packed into the back of our Dodge Stratus. My hubby atributes his success to all of his years of playing tetris. The trip was to take about 5 hours. Well little did we know that traveling with 2 kids makes the trip go longer. This was our first long trip with 2 kids and a 2 month old, so I think we did good getting there in about 7 & 1/2 hours. Part of that was spent at a Chik-fil-A in a town I can't remember. We happened to be there when all the other beach goers were headed home. There was so much traffic that it took us at least 10 minutes to get in the parking lot. Let alone the fact that the place could barley handle the amount of people there. The cool thing is a gentleman struck up a conversation with my hubby because he was holding our beautiful daughter while getting us drinks and we ended up with a free chicken salad sandwich. How awesome is that! We stayed there for a whole hour, but it was worth it because my son got some energy out and my daughter got her poopy diaper changed in a nice restroom. Most of the trip I spent in the back seat with the kids in between the 2 car seats, because my darling daughter was high maintenance or just being a 2 month old on a long care trip. I don't know. If you don't know a Stratus is not very roomy with 2 car seats in the back. It is a midsized 4 door car, but sporty. I am 5'8" with the hips of a woman who gave birth 2 months ago. Not such a comfy ride. Hubby and I started talking minivans really quick and somewhat seriously. We made to Hilton Head safe and sound though, and we all loved the big room that hubby's boss graciously let us have because both kids were going to sleep in the same room with us. Our room had a fire place, jacuzzi tub, and a king size bed. Can we say Fun! I wish we would have taken pics of the room but we didn't. Well, that is it for day 1. Stay tuned for the next instalment of The Beach Chronicles.

1 comment:

Kendra Haneline said...

Yep, 2 kids will do that to ya.... minivan momma you will be. You will LOVE it though. The room in it you can't beat. I'll never downsize unless I'm forced.