Friday, July 17, 2009


Ok, here goes. I have decided to come out of the "closet" and tell the world that I am *gasp* addicted to the Twilight Saga and all that is associated with it. There, I said it and it is out there and I can't take it back. I became addicted to all that is Twilight back in May and it has been a whirl wind romance since. I have been uneasy about telling people because I am not a teenager, who the books were written for. I don't care anymore!! My deares hubby (who I tell is the Edward to my Bella) does not care about my obsession/addiction. He thinks it is rather cute and indulges me whenever he can. I love him. The cool thing about all this it that through this I have started making friends across the country and the world through a sisterhood called OME. I love beign apart of this group. The main goal of the group to make friends and do some charity work along the way. I love my OME sisters. I also love me some Rob;) Also, Kristen is an amazing actress. I enjoy reading fanfic associated with twilight. I get twitters all day from sites that are all about TWS. I am in deep but I don't care. I am a Twerd and I love it. So, don't be afraid to talk to me just know where the conversation might go because I am really good at turning it to TWS. I will go to the midnight showing of New Moon on November 20th and I will enjoy it! So, please don't shun me because I am all about TWS. I am still the same person you know and love I just have a different lifestyle than you do.

~Later Days/Twilight

1 comment:

EngineersFalcon said...

You are SO brave! I am not sure why I am so shy about it, but I am. I really enjoy the books, the movie, and even the fanfic. Thanks for bringing me into the club! I love it here.